Mount McDill

Angeles National Forest, CA


Distance5.8 mi
Elevation gain1,800 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration2 hr
CruxClass 1

Peaks bagged

Mint Benchmark5,184 ft / Prom. 24 ft

Mount McDill(HPS)5,187 ft / Prom. 747 ft

HPS. Hundred Peaks Section


I parked along Bouquet Canyon Road near its intersection with Lincoln Crest, the dirt road on the left.
A locked gate at the start of Lincoln Crest.
The road forks after a quarter mile. Stay left to continue along Lincoln Crest.
Following the power lines up Mount McDill's north slope.
The road splits at this transmission tower and rejoins shortly ahead.
At the 1 mile mark, the Mount McDill Trail branches off to the right.
The trail becomes single-track.
A lot of vegetation along the trail.
Entering a small meadow.
Looking back.
Eventually, the trail merges with another dirt road.
I followed this road to the junction with Sierra Pellona Motorway at a saddle.
At the saddle, I turned left toward Mount McDill.
The road steepens a bit.
Looking back at the saddle. Wildflowers in abundance.
Leaving the road here for Mint Benchmark.
Easy cross country travel up the west slope.
Looking back down the slope.
Approaching the summit of Mint Benchmark.
View west from Mint Benchmark's summit.
Continuing down the east slope of Mint Benchmark toward Mount McDill.
Mount McDill's summit. The San Gabriel Mountains are visible to the south.
View back toward Mint Benchmark.
Taking the road to bypass Mint Benchmark on the way back to the saddle.

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