Liebre Mountain

Angeles National Forest, CA


Distance8.9 mi
Elevation gain2,100 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration3 hr
CruxClass 1

Peaks bagged

Liebre Mountain(HPS)5,760 ft / Prom. 1,080 ft

HPS. Hundred Peaks Section


The route starts along this dirt road.
After just 0.1 miles, it joins with the PCT.
The trail ascends at a gradual pace.
Looking back. The Tehachapi Range is visible on the horizon.
Continuing up.
The trail passes through some nice forested sections.
There are a number of switchbacks along the way.
Approaching Horse Trail Camp.
Emerging from the forest, the trail heads directly up the ridge.
Looking back toward Antelope Valley.
The parasitic American mistletoe plant clings to the many oak trees in the upper part of the ridge.
Eventually, the PCT dumps out onto this dirt road, which I followed for only a short distance before heading up the hill on the right.
Cross-country to the historic summit of Liebre Mountain. The true summit lies about 0.8 miles to the west.
Sign at the historic summit.
Descending the west slope to rejoin the road leading to the true summit.
Nearing Liebre Mountain's true summit to the left.
Summit rocks visible center.
Liebre Mountain summit
Liebre Mountain summit. View southwest.
On the way back, I circumvented the historic summit via the trail on the left.

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