Mount McKinley

Angeles National Forest, CA


Distance10.7 mi
Elevation gain3,000 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration3.5 hr
CruxClass 1

Peaks bagged

Mount McKinley(LPC)4,926 ft / Prom. 246 ft

LPC. Lower Peaks Committee


Boulder Canyon Trailhead
Boulder Canyon Trailhead.
The trail descends about 100 feet into the canyon.
In the distance, Yerba Buena Ridge rises into the low-hanging clouds.
Gold Creek
Gold Creek crossing.
Climbing out of the creek.
The vegetation along the trail was lush, but never encroaching.
Looking back.
Continuing eastward.
A hairpin turn.
The trail ends at Boulder Canyon Road. Stay right.
Looking back at the terminus of Boulder Creek Trail.
Heading up the road.
Looking back at a roadside apiary site consisting of dozens of beehives. I could hear a faint buzzing of honey bees. I can't help but wonder what impact these have on native bee populations and the spread of invasive weeds.
Continuing along Boulder Canyon Road toward Gold Canyon Saddle.
At Gold Canyon Saddle, looking back at another apiary site.
Heading up Gold Canyon Truck Trail.
Ascending into the fog. Visibility was very limited from here on.
A third apiary site. The bees at this site were the most active. It was a little unsettling having dozens of bees whizzing around my body as I walked by.
At Gold Creek Saddle. It's not obvious, but the route continues up the trail on the left.
The trail steepens.
At Spring Saddle, about to start up McKinley's southwest ridge.
The vegetation along the ridge was sparse, and several use-trails made navigation trivial.
The trail sidehills a bit...
Then heads up this small gully.
Back on the ridge.
Nearing the summit.
Mount McKinley summit
Mount McKinley summit.
On the return, rejoining the trail at Spring Saddle.
Back at Gold Creek Saddle.
The clouds lifted somewhat, revealing the canyons below.
On Boulder Canyon Road, intersection with Boulder Canyon Trail on the left.

Nearly summer, and wildflowers still tinge the hillsides yellow.
Back at Gold Creek, just 0.2 miles from the trailhead.

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