Escapula Peak

Los Padres National Forest, CA


Distance2.4 mi
Elevation gain700 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration1 hr
CruxClass 1

Peaks bagged

Escapula Peak7,080 ft / Prom. 1,040 ft


The standard route up Escapula Peak starts from Forest Route 9N19 at a pullout southeast of the peak and loosely follows a reclaimed dirt road to the summit. I was coming from Antimony Peak, so I parked at a westerly pullout and headed up a southwest spur, joining the main ridge after about a quarter mile of cross country travel.

Starting up a southwest spur of Escapula Peak.
Joining a reclaimed dirt road, heading north.
Looking back toward Frazier Mountain.
Leaving the road to gain the main ridge, left.
More cross country.
A social trail appears, leading the rest of way to the summit.
Escapula Peak summit, facing north. There's a register in the rock pile.
View south.

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