Antimony Peak

Los Padres National Forest, CA


Distance3.8 mi
Elevation gain1,600 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration2 hr
CruxClass 1

Peaks bagged

Antimony Peak(HPS)6,848 ft / Prom. 888 ft

HPS. Hundred Peaks Section


I parked at a pullout at the end of Forest Route 9N19. No motorized vehicles are allows past this point.
The trail descends about 700 feet to a saddle below Antimony Peak.
Contouring a slope.
Antimony Peak creeps into view.
Near the saddle, an impressive 400-foot cliff on Antimony Peak's southeast face.
The trail continues on the left, climbing 900 feet in 0.9 miles via a set of switchbacks on Antimony Peak's south slope.
Looking back at the saddle.
View west toward San Emigdio Mountain.
First switchback.
A shady spot on an otherwise exposed route.
Enjoying the view at the final switchback.
Near the top, final look back.
Approaching a minor saddle below the summit of Antimony Peak, to the right.
A trail continues to Eagle Rest Peak, the striated mountain visible in the distance.
Turning right for the summit of Antimony Peak. A cairn indicates the way.
Following a social trail for the final 100 vertical feet.
Antimony Peak summit.
View southwest toward Tecuya Ridge. Escapula Peak, a P1K, is on the far left.

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