Brown Peak

Death Valley National Park, CA


Distance6.8 mi
Elevation gain2,200 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration3.5 hr
CruxClass 2

Peaks bagged

Brown Peak(DPS, Zdon)4,947 ft / Prom. 1,684 ft

DPS. Desert Peaks SectionZdon. Andy Zdon's Desert Summits


From Deadman Pass Road, contouring a bajada toward a low saddle, center.
Approaching the saddle.
On top of the saddle, headed east.
Contouring the slopes on the right as I drop down into the wash below.
Following the wash uphill.
Exiting the wash, aiming for the small peak on the left.
View back.
Low-angle slabs.
Wrapping around the small peak.
Another view back.
Continuing up the slope on the right to a large saddle.
On top of the saddle. Brown Peak ahead.
From the saddle, nice view of the colorful cliff bands to the south of Brown Peak.
Starting up the ridge.
View back toward the saddle.
Headed up a steep and loose slope.
Class 2 section.
View back from above the class 2 section.
Brown Peak's flat summit. Just a short stroll to the high point on the left.
Brown Peak summit. View northeast. Charleston Peak is on the right.
View west toward Deadman Pass.
On the descent, rejoining the major wash.
Looking back as I exit the wash, which veers north (to the left in this photo).
Dropping down into a small, westerly drainage.
Following the small drainage back into the open desert.

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