Thomas Mountain

San Bernardino National Forest, CA


Distance11.9 mi
Elevation gain2,500 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration4 hr
CruxClass 1

Peaks bagged

Thomas Mountain(HPS)6,825 ft / Prom. 1,945 ft

HPS. Hundred Peaks Section


Entering a burn area.
Official start of the Ramona Trail.
View across the valley as I ascend the Ramona Trail.
The trail makes many gradual switchbacks.
From the trail, view southeast toward Toro Peak.
Entering the forest.
Tool Box Spring.
After the spring, the trail joins with Thomas Mountain Road.
Approaching the first of several yellow post sites.
Leaving the road for a trail that follows Thomas Mountain's ridgeline.
Thomas Mountain summit ahead.
View back down a snow-covered slope.
Radio tower at Thomas Mountain's southeast summit. The high point is about a quarter mile up the road.
Heading over to the high point. Mount San Jacinto visible through the trees on the right.
Thomas Mountain summit area.
On the return, taking a cross country shortcut to reconnect with Thomas Mountain Road.
Following the road back to the Ramona Trail.
Back on the Ramona Trail, descending to the trailhead.

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