Superstition Benchmark

Superstition Wilderness, AZ


Distance7.9 mi
Elevation gain3,200 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration4 hr
CruxClass 3

Peaks bagged

Superstition Benchmark(DPS, SAHC, SAHC★)5,057 ft / Prom. 1,817 ft

DPS. Desert Peaks SectionSAHC. Southern Arizona Hiking ClubSAHC★. Southern Arizona Hiking Club Emblem Peaks


Hieroglyphics Trail.
Gate at boundary of Tonto National Forest.
Entering Hieroglyphic Canyon.
Waterfalls at Hieroglyphic Springs.
Looking back. Petroglyphs visible on the wall on the right.
Continuing up the canyon.
The trail climbs the right side of the canyon.
View back toward Hieroglyphic Springs.
Trickling waterfalls.
Steep scree climb to exit the canyon.
Approaching a saddle along the Supserstition ridgeline.
From the saddle, view northeast. Weaver's Needle is on the right.
Continuing south along the Superstition Ridgeline Trial.
The trail skirts around this prominence to the north of Supserstition Benchmark.
Approaching the crux, a Class 3 chimney, right of center.
Inside the chimney. I climbed up the slot on the left, making use of a 6-inch wide ledge, then stepped across to the large boulder (with the arrow) on the right.
View back from above the chimney.
The trail crosses over to the east side of the ridge.
View back.
Contouring the east slope of Superstition Benchmark.
View back.
Ascending the southeast ridge of Supserstition Benchmark.
Cool hoodoos.
Superstition Benchmark ahead.
Class 2 below the summit.
Superstition Benchmark summit. View north.
View northeast into the Superstition Wilderness.
View west toward Phoenix.
Beautiful evening light on the return.

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