Mount Marquette Loop

Marquette County, MI


Distance2.7 mi
Elevation gain600 ft
Route typeLoop
Duration1 hr
CruxClass 1


The trail is marked with blue signs reading "Mount Marquette Loop".
Bridge crossing.
Beautiful walk through the woods.
After about a mile, the trail begins to climb.
Left at the marked fork toward Mount Marquette Overlook.
Mount Marquette Road.
Turning right at a large pullout. The overlook is ahead.
Nice views of the the town of Marquette and Lake Superior. Sugarloaf and Hogback Mountains can be seen in the distance.
Back at the road, staying right at the fork.
Short walk along the service road to the high point of Mount Marquette.
Near the top.
Mount Marquette summit. View south.
We backtracked along the service road took a sharp left onto a dirt bike trail named Southern Cross (shown here on the right).
After a couple switchbacks, we rejoined the main trial.
Looking back.
Back on Mount Marquette Road.
We followed the road back to the car.