Flattop Mountain

Chugach State Park, AK


Distance3.3 mi
Elevation gain1,400 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration1.5 hr
CruxClass 2

Peaks bagged

Flattop Mountain3,510 ft / Prom. 230 ft

Blueberry Knoll2,625 ft


From the parking lot, following signs for Flattop Trail.
Small wooded section. I was the first to break the trail, so I was on the lookout for wildlife, especially after multiple moose encounters on my bike ride in Anchorage the previous evening.
Flattop Mountain creeps into view.
The trail forks at Blueberry Knoll. I stayed right, but either way works.
Looking back at the parking lot.
Wrapping around Blueberry Knoll in the counter-clockwise direction.
Looking back. The body of water below is the Cook Inlet.
Wooden steps for the next several hundred vertical feet.
Looking back.
At a minor saddle. The summit of Flattop Mountain is about 500 feet above.
Following a faint set of switchbacks.
View back at the saddle.
Class 2.
Briefly joining a trail on the right side of the ridge.
Final scramble to the summit.
Looking back down the scamble section.
Flattop Mountain summit. View northeast.
View southwest.
View southeast. One can continue along the ridge to the creatively-named Peak Two (visible on the right) and Peak Three (hidden in the clouds).
Making my way back down to the saddle.
On the return, I decided to hit up the Blueberry Knoll, visible ahead.
Start of the use-trail to the summit of Blueberry Knoll.
Looking back at Flattop Mountain.
Blueberry Knoll summit.
Descending the northwest slope to rejoin Flattop Trail.
Pretty spruce conelets, seen on the way back to the parking lot.