Borrego Mountain and "The Slot"

Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, CA


Distance3.8 mi
Elevation gain700 ft
Route typeLoop
Duration2 hr
CruxClass 1

Peaks bagged

Borrego Mountain(SD100, Zdon)1,207 ft / Prom. 487 ft

SD100. San Diego 100 PeaksZdon. Andy Zdon's Desert Summits


Trailhead to the slot.
The entrance to the slot canyon is on the left. We continued along the ridge toward Borrego Mountain first.
Looking back at Lauren next to an ocotillo plant.
Borrego Mountain visible ahead.
View southeast.
View south into Hawk Canyon.
The terrain gets rockier about 200 feet below the summit.
A short detour to a lookout point just south of Borrego Mountain. View southeast.
View southwest down Hawk Canyon.
Continuing along the main trail toward Borrego Mountain.
The terrain levels as we approach a saddle near the summit (to the left).
Borrego Mountain summit. View south. From here, we traversed to the southern summit, visible left.
Lauren on Borrego Mountain's southern summit.
View southeast toward Borrego Mountain East Butte, another peak on the San Diego 100 list.
Making our way back down the trail toward the northern terminus of the slot canyon.
Entering the slot.
View back at Lauren as the canyon walls begin to narrow.
A particularly narrow section.
A tilted column forms a natural arch.
Exiting the narrows.
Just around this bend, we exited the canyon via a steep slope on the left.
Steep and loose exit ramp.
Looking back as we climb out of the slot.
Returning to the parking lot after a short road walk.

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